It is vital for your website to have Hide My WordPress Plugin installed. This type of WordPress plugin will make it very hard for hackers to gain access to your website. With this kind of WP plugin, everything will go smoothly. Once hackers get into your website is database and username, they will automatically be redirected to a different 404 page. All the details, including the username, is shown here.
Very Easy SSL is a popular Hide My WP Plugin which provides a simple way of changing a website from HTTP to HTTP. All the security aspects are handled by this wonderful W3C validation plugin. This allows users to change their usernames & passwords as well as change the content of the website. All the urls will still be accessible as it is, but users will get the option to view the full details and can even change them as they wish.
With versions of WordPress prior to 4.0, you needed to use the 'isite' option in order to view the security plugin's options. You then had to find the "superintendent" icon on the menu to add an installation of the plugin. The new version number is displayed in the lower right hand corner of the screen. It displays the version number followed by a colon and finally by the word update.
Some of the security plugins provided by Thesis are also provided as part of Thesis themes. You may choose to install one of these security plugins from the theme editor. In case you need to change the settings for other purposes like installing different plugins, you may modify the settings directly in the theme editor. This will allow you to use different plugins for multiple websites with ease.
With Thesis themes, you will find that security plugins such as Hide Your WordPress Post can hide any of your posts by using html encoding. If the hacker types in the post id which is displayed in the "edit" page, then he/she will not be able to see any of your posts. However, if the username and password are changed, then the change will not take place and the post will become visible again.
Another great security plugin which enables you to control the visibility of certain urls in your WordPress website is WP Smug Cleaner. This plugin will help you to remove all the hidden links which appear below the standard categories on your front page. You may disable or enable certain categories on the website. For instance, you can hide the category named "Digg". Moreover, if you have many categories, then it becomes very difficult for hackers to go from category to category in your website. WordPress Smug Cleaner is easy to install and there is no maintenance work involved.